Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Fast forward...

Fast forward 2013.........a few nice dinners and lunches with friends......some special outings to hear music by great local musicians...a mid-morning week day Circus Parade...a fun evening with a couple of friends viewing a cooking demo at The Cook's Station by the Lee Brothers presenting their new cookbook, 'Charleston Kitchen'.

The back yard menagerie has ebbed....gone is Inez, my beloved best friend of 15 years since her birth, and the great orange tabby, Rocco, meeting his demise on one of his great hunting expeditions. He was the best feline friend ever.

Working to get a daily rhythm in sync of long work days, routines, sorting, creating, care taking...balancing the scales

Losing friends in reckless abandon, and the menagerie grows again, as lovable Richie comes into our fold. Adding great purpose to our days.

Clearing cobwebs to focus on what really matters.

Vacation is in sight....days of contemplation and rest and loving friendship.........the things that really matter.

photo by Sarah Hammond

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