Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September. Oh Happy Day!

I walked out the front path through the morning glory garland and through the length and breadth of Claude's Cove choking on tears of joy and a hefty smile.

That baby boy is here!

As fate would have it, he made his mamma wait until September for his arrival. Could be he wanted a brand new month for his brand new day to start out his life.

He is the third great great grandchild of Claude. This weekend another one of Claude's great grandchildren will marry, and with the new year another great great grand will come. And so the family grows.

I stand on the dock and call out to the spirits waiting there that he is here. The cool breeze on my skin feels as if it could lift me up and send me soaring over the waters like a big blue heron. Crows call out from the treetops to spread the news.

On my walk home, a russet canna blossom lays on the pavement and asks for a drink. Shards from a broken coffee cup are strewn across the red clay shoulder.

I return to the chore of the day, and happily wield my paintbrush to whitewash the kitchen where grandma made us many meals of fried chicken, macaroni and cheese and fried apple pies.

I pull out my paint box of many colors and continue to work on tiny studies of cove paintings and tiny furniture painted in bright colors. I see things in tiny perspective and long to hold that baby and kiss him.

I am thankful for a new season coming round the bend, a new life in our family and a new season of change.

painting: Star of Yelta

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